brother managed to get a few items from hk, except for the tian ya filter systems and holga 120cfn. have been searching high and low for the tian ya filter from local forum and seems like it is quite difficult to get it locally. the most important filter for me is the gnd or gradual grey but seems like even for cokin, it is always out of stock, unless you plan to get it from those shops, which are waiting to rip you off with 50-100% jacked-up price.
well, i decided to get the filters from hk's online dealer instead, one piece of tian ya filter costs around hkd40, slightly more expensive than buying at shops in hk at around hkd30. it's still cheaper than getting from singapore's online dealer after adding in the shipping charges and most importantly, there is available stock.
i ordered:
- 2pcs of gradual grey
- 1pc of gradual blue
- 1pc of gradual orange
- 1pc of nd4
- 1pc of 52mm adapter
- 1pc of 77mm adapter
- 1pc of filter holder
- 1 dust blower
- 1 set of 5 in 1 110cm reflector
all these for usd97. local price would be around usd133..... let's see if the items will arrive on time for my upcoming chiang mai trip. argh.... now i need to find ways to get a cheap holga 120cfn, saw it in buy & sell forum the other day for S$20 but was thinking that since brother will be helping me to get a new set so i give it a miss. within minutes, someone grabbed the deal already.
will spend some time tomorrow to play with my new lenses and flash.