it was another valuable experience for me to help shawn and brenda on their wedding as photographer, together with the usual gang, garry and jason. i was pretty amazed with jason's ability to organize a group for photo-taking, that's the pre-requisite for any event photographer, which i am seriously lacking.. the communication part. giving some time for him to polish up the skill, he can be a fun guy to have in ur wedding/event. garry managed quite a few good shots with the sole 50mm f/1.8.
you will face a different obstacle for each event and each time when you managed to solve it, you gained a precious piece of experience. as time goes by, valuable experienced gain and the photo taking process just gets smoother.
the initial part of photo taking in brenda's hotel room is very much limited to small movement space available, and most of the time, i am shooting at wide angle. this has in fact bring in a lot of unwanted elements, which generates a messy background. a f/2.8 lens is absolutely necessary for isolation of the subject.
for the banquet part, ultra wide angle came in handy since i was shooting at 14mm almost all the time when the toasting was on-going. a f/1.4 of f/1.8 would also be interesting for taking the champagne glass shot, which i didn't manage to do it.
after going through the photo sets again and again, i realized most of the time i tend to frame the subject too tight to simplify the background and this has in fact caused lack of variety in my shots. tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 would definitely be the next lens that i am looking at for further improvement.
last but not least, i need a d90 with fv lock and customizable wb... struggling to save up for that!