Tuesday 7 October 2008

bali, indonesia again (the journey)

it is always great to be back to bali again with its' friendly people, delicious food, beautiful villa and mesmerizing sunset.

it wasn't a smooth sailing journey for me due to extremely hot weather. i was down with fever since the first day and it got worse on the 3rd day .

spent one morning and one evening at echo beach and the yield was terrific. the black sand provided the perfect reflection in the presence of water, just like one big piece of mirror. black sandy beach often provides much more photography opportunities since it is not just plain "white", like in the case of white sandy beach but comes in with more texture and reflection.

my tianya filter is still serving me well but i find the red/magenta tint too overwhelming, especially when two filters were being stacked for a 4 stops gnd. perhaps it is time to look at other more pricey alternative.

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