Tuesday, 20 November 2007

18-200mm vr (first impression)

i love the distance scale which is missing from my previous 55-200mm vr and 18-55mm, it is extremely useful for the application of hyperfocal distance. felt that the combination of it with d40 is a bit unbalanced due to the extremely light weight of camera body. i have never handled a lens which is more than 0.5kg before so i still need some time to familiarize myself with handheld shot at shutter speed of less than 1/10s. will try to post some shots this weekend if possible, currently thinking of doing the test shots at either botanical garden or sungai buluh wetland reserve. will also be getting a tent this weekend for a pulau ubi camping "expedition", probably next week or the week after.

brother is going to hk again next week, might ask him to try getting a 12-24mm from the usual shop if possible. very broke now, i have already pre-spent the bonus which is expected to be coming only in end of december. where is my santa claus when i need one?

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